Victorious Loss
Seems the stomach, ruinous space of ruminations,
Carried much to get here.
Activity notwithstanding, movements bellow,
Forging an alliance with regret.
Forge further, swirl sweetly,
Mix the mixture birthing the victor.
The victor emerges,
Coating what it touches,
With a glossy framework; healing flawed surface.
The tear soaked creation,
Sits tightly, movement refused.
Shedding layer by day,
Adding slowly back by night,
Founder of the cure,
My heart fights.
My heart is losing.
Carried much to get here.
Activity notwithstanding, movements bellow,
Forging an alliance with regret.
Forge further, swirl sweetly,
Mix the mixture birthing the victor.
The victor emerges,
Coating what it touches,
With a glossy framework; healing flawed surface.
The tear soaked creation,
Sits tightly, movement refused.
Shedding layer by day,
Adding slowly back by night,
Founder of the cure,
My heart fights.
My heart is losing.