Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hello There, Boy.

I was working at Blockbuster tonight and the most bizarre thing happened, yet I found it to be an epic tale that will serve as a message of hope to all ye eight year olds.

I was doing the normal thing, which requires next to nothing, when my bladder decided it was pissed off and needed immediate attention. On my way to the designated area for such a problem, I was stopped by a tiny little boy, holding a movie. It went something like this.

"Hi," I said, in a calm, welcoming voice, "You finding everything alright?"

"Yes sir, I am." He called me sir, "How are you this evening?" He is wearing a sweater.

"I'm good man, what movie do you..." He is holding Die Hard, he cannot rent this film.

"Well sir, my father asked me to wait here while he went into CVS. I'm simply standing here until he returns." This kid is awesome. His name has to be something like Clarence. "Have you seen this movie? It's quite entertaining." Are you imagining this through a squeeky little voice? You should be.

I chuckle and state, "You have seen it? Isn't it violent?"

The following statement will forever change my life, and I think Clarence - not sure what his name is, but it must be Clarence - is the man.

"Are you afraid sir? It's simply a movie." Clarence won.

Not only was this moment epic in nature, he completely made my bladder forget about our original goal. 

Clarence if you ever read this, know that you're awesome and that I wish to be like you one day.


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